Read GPS NMEA Message from SIM7600 on IGT-30

SIM7600 from SIMCOM provides a built-in GPS functionality. However, by default, GPS function is not enabled automatically. Here’s my approach to enable the GPS functionality of SIM7600 on IGT-30.

Before we start to send the command, make sure SIM7600 is well installed. Check the device folder and see the corresponding kernel devices presents. In my case on IGT-30, I could see /dev/ttyUSB0 to /dev/ttyUSB4. These might change if there’s other devices on you IGT-30.

To start GPS on SIM7600 manually, send the following AT command to /dev/ttyUSB2


For test, minicom is a good choice. You can type and send AT commands and see the response immediately. Otherwise, it’s equivalent to send the command using echo:

echo -n -e "AT+CGPS=1\x0d\x0a" > /dev/ttyUSB2

After GPS started, SIM7600 will automatically and continuously send NMEA sentences out via /dev/ttyUSB1.

It’s also possible that SIM7600 starts GPS automatically once power on. To enable the auto start of GPS, use the following AT command


If auto start is enabled, the SIM7600 installed in IGT-30D automatically send NMEA sentences to /dev/ttyUSB1 after the boot of IGT-30D completes. You can install services like gpsd to deal with the GPS services. For simply checking if GPS works or not, use the following command

cat /dev/ttyUSB1

If GPS is enabled successfully, you will see NMEA sentences dumped on the screen.

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